Source code for xcc.settings

This module contains the :class:`~xcc.Settings` class and related helper functions.

import os
import re
from typing import Optional

from appdirs import user_config_dir
from dotenv import dotenv_values, set_key, unset_key
from pydantic import BaseSettings

# Matches when string contains chars outside Base64URL set
# Also, the dot '.' to separate sections.
_BASE64URLRE = re.compile(r"[^\.A-Za-z0-9_-]+")

def get_path_to_env_file() -> str:
    """Returns the path to the .env file containing the Xanadu Cloud connection settings."""
    path_to_config_dir = user_config_dir(appname="xanadu-cloud", appauthor="Xanadu")
    return os.path.join(path_to_config_dir, ".env")

def get_name_of_env_var(key: str = "") -> str:
    """Returns the name of the Xanadu Cloud environment variable associated with the given key."""
    return f"XANADU_CLOUD_{key}"

def _check_for_invalid_values(key: str, val: str) -> None:
    Check for conditions that make saving the env_file
    dangerous to the user.

    - REFRESH_TOKEN must not contain characters outside Base64URL set

        key (str): .env file key
        val (str): .env file value

        ValueError: if the value should not be saved to the .env file


    if key == "REFRESH_TOKEN" and val is not None and, val) is not None:
        raise ValueError("REFRESH_TOKEN contains non-JWT character(s)")

[docs]class Settings(BaseSettings): """Represents the configuration for connecting to the Xanadu Cloud. The location where this configuration is saved depends on the current operating system. Specifically, * Windows: ``C:\\Users\\%USERNAME%\\AppData\\Local\\Xanadu\\xanadu-cloud\\.env`` * MacOS: ``/home/$USER/Library/Application\\ Support/xanadu-cloud/.env`` * Linux: ``/home/$USER/.config/xanadu-cloud/.env`` **Example:** The following example shows how to use the :class:`Settings` class to load and save a Xanadu Cloud configuration. To begin, loading a configuration is as simple as instantiating a settings object: >>> import xcc >>> settings = xcc.Settings() >>> settings REFRESH_TOKEN=None ACCESS_TOKEN=None HOST='' PORT=443 TLS=True Now, individual options can be accessed or assigned through their corresponding attribute: >>> settings.PORT 443 >>> settings.PORT = 80 >>> settings.PORT 80 .. note:: Several aggregate representations of options are also available, such as >>> settings.dict() {'REFRESH_TOKEN': None, 'ACCESS_TOKEN': None, ..., 'TLS': True} >>> settings.json() '{"REFRESH_TOKEN": null, "ACCESS_TOKEN": null, ..., "TLS": true}' Finally, saving a configuration can be done by invoking :meth:``: >>> """ REFRESH_TOKEN: Optional[str] = None """JWT refresh token that can be used to fetch access tokens from the Xanadu Cloud.""" ACCESS_TOKEN: Optional[str] = None """JWT access token that can be used to authenticate requests to the Xanadu Cloud.""" HOST: str = "" """Hostname of the Xanadu Cloud server.""" PORT: int = 443 """Port of the Xanadu Cloud server.""" TLS: bool = True """Whether to use HTTPS for requests to the Xanadu Cloud.""" class Config: # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring case_sensitive = True env_file = get_path_to_env_file() env_prefix = get_name_of_env_var()
[docs] def save(self) -> None: """Saves the current settings to the .env file.""" env_file = Settings.Config.env_file env_dir = os.path.dirname(env_file) os.makedirs(env_dir, exist_ok=True) saved = dotenv_values(dotenv_path=env_file) # must be done first as dict is not ordered for key, val in self.dict().items(): _check_for_invalid_values(key, val) for key, val in self.dict().items(): field = get_name_of_env_var(key) # Remove keys that are assigned to None. if val is None and field in saved: unset_key( dotenv_path=env_file, key_to_unset=field, quote_mode="auto", ) # Replace keys that are not assigned to None. elif val is not None and val != saved.get(field): set_key( dotenv_path=env_file, key_to_set=field, value_to_set=str(val), quote_mode="auto", )