Release notes

This page contains the release notes for the XCC.

Release 0.3.1 (current release)


  • Bumped wheel to v0.38.1. (#39)

Bug fixes

  • Set upper bound on compatible pydantic versions to v2.0.0. (#42)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Mikhail Andrenkov.

Release 0.3.0

New features since last release

  • Extra request headers may be passed to Connection.request(). (#36)

  • Job lists can now be filtered by status. (#30)

    Using the CLI:

    xcc job list --status '<Status>'

    Using the Python API:

    xcc.Job.list(connection, status="<Status>")


  • An exception is now raised when saving a refresh token with invalid characters. (#31)

  • Job results are now displayed using the pprint module. (#34)


        "output": [
            "[[0 0 0 0]\n [0 0 0 0]\n [0 0 0 0]\n [0 0 0 0]\n [0 0 0 0]]"


        "output": [[[0, 0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0, 0]]]
  • The HTTPError raised when the refresh token is invalid now contains the response object. (#35)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Mikhail Andrenkov, Jack Brown, Noah Rossignol, Jack Woehr, Hudhayfa Zaheem.

Release 0.2.1

New features since last release

  • Job results can now be retrieved without converting integers to np.int64 objects. (#28)

    import xcc
    job = xcc.Job("<UUID>", xcc.Connection.load())
    result = job.get_result(integer_overflow_protection=False)


  • The default HOST setting now points to (#28)



This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Mikhail Andrenkov.

Release 0.2.0

  • The Connection class can now load a Connection from a Settings instance. (#22)

    import xcc
    # Initialize a Connection using an implicit Settings instance.
    connection = xcc.Connection.load()
    # Initialize a Connection using an explicit Settings instance.
    connection = xcc.Connection.load(settings=xcc.Settings())
  • Following an update to the Xanadu Cloud 0.4.0 API, job lists can now be filtered by ID. (#21)

    Using the CLI:

    xcc job list --ids '["<UUID 1>", "<UUID 2>", ...]'

    Using the Python API:

    xcc.Job.list(connection, ids=["<UUID 1>", "<UUID 2>", ...])


  • Job results are now streamed in chunks to support large payloads. (#23)

Bug fixes

  • The license file is included in the source distribution, even when using setuptools <56.0.0. (#20)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Mikhail Andrenkov, Bastian Zimmermann.

Release 0.1.2


  • Following an update to the Xanadu Cloud 0.4.0 API, names are no longer required to submit jobs. (#16)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Mikhail Andrenkov.

Release 0.1.1

New features since last release

  • The Job class now has a metadata property which, by convention, returns information about job failures. (#15)


  • The CI workflows are now triggered when a branch is merged into main. (#15)

Bug Fixes

  • On Windows, the XCC configuration file is now stored at ...\Xanadu\xanadu-cloud\.env. (#15)


  • Individual modules are now listed in the API section of the Sphinx sidebar. (#15)

  • The Settings class docstring now includes an example walkthrough as well as the location of the XCC configuration file. (#15)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Mikhail Andrenkov.

Release 0.1.0

New features since last release

  • This is the initial public release.


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Mikhail Andrenkov.